Tuesday 8 July 2008

Anniversary Gifts - Forty-Fourth Anniversary

Have you been noticing that the anniversary gift ideas over the past few years have been a little off the beaten track? Well, it doesn't get any less strange for your forty-fourth anniversary. Most likely as the list makers were getting to this end of the list, they were just running out of ideas. If you think not, just try on this year's offering for size. What exactly is it? Well, you're going to be taking your spouse to the supermarket.

That's right. This year's anniversary gift idea is groceries. You know, those things that you get at the local Pathmark and bring home to fill your stomachs with. Well, this year you get to make those groceries a special anniversary gift for your lovely wife or handsome husband. If you're scratching your head wondering how you're going to pull this off, we've got a few ideas that should do just the trick.

One idea is to go on a shopping spree. No, not just take a trip to the supermarket. A real shopping spree complete with gift certificate and all the trimmings. Considering how expensive groceries are just for a normal day out shopping, you're going to want to make that gift certificate out for a sizable amount. We'll leave that amount up to you, but just remember, $100 barely feeds a family of three for a week these days. So you probably want to make that certificate out for at least $250 if not more. You can offer to go with your spouse on this spree or let him or her go alone. Make it their choice.

If the idea of the shopping spree seems a little corny, what you may want to do is have certain groceries delivered to the house as a surprise. If you really want this to be an eventful day, call up a number of different places that maybe specialize in different kinds of foods and have them all make a delivery at different times during the day. Make sure your spouse is home the whole day. That way, each time the doorbell rings and there's another delivery person at the door, there's another surprise to go along with him. The trick here is not to have too many different deliveries. Three or four should be fine. After the fourth one, the whole thing might get a little old. You want to keep the element of surprise. The second delivery will actually be a bigger surprise than the first one as your spouse will figure that one delivery was the whole gift. You will get a great reaction to this gift.

Of course, if you want to keep the whole thing simple, you can just go out yourself and pick up a few special items from the grocery store that you normally don't get. For example, if you've been putting off getting that lobster tail because it is too expensive, now is a perfect time to get a few.

The only trouble with this year's anniversary gift is that eventually it will be gone, but at least you'll enjoy eating it while you can.

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